
Molly Newhard

I am a bartender living in Oregon with my husband and our two cats. Horror is one of my favorite art forms, whether it’s books or movies I love it all. They always say write what you know and what I know is working in the service industry and having to exist in the world as a small woman. Women are taught to have inherent fear, it keeps us safe. We learn from our mothers and our friends, and in the worst case, from our own experiences, how to avoid being a victim. When in the harsh reality of the world, there is nothing women can do to stop an attack. Violence comes from the violent and in their wake they leave a line of survivors hoping to come up with the new way to stay safe. Through my writing I hope to highlight these inherent fears that women feel and to show that the only person capable of stopping the fear, is the one perpetuating it.

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unkown.” -H.P. Lovecraft